Cleveland Association of Paralegals, Inc.
This is your professional organization. We hope you will take an active interest in all of the benefits and activities associated with your membership. Here are some highlights of your membership:
Membership in three organizations
CAP, Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association (“CMBA”) and National Federation of Paralegal Associations, Inc. (“NFPA).
Monthly meetings of CAP’s Board
CAP’s Board meets on the third Wednesday of every month. Please check the emails you receive for the date, time and location of the meetings. Meetings are also held via Zoom to allow for participation of members. Login information is provided via email. Please check the calendar located on the CAP Website for meetings and events. The CAP Board encourages all members to participate in the call and/or attend any meetings they can. Your ideas and input are valued.
There are many benefits to joining the three organizations, including, but not limited to
Lunch n Learns
CAPpy Hours
Monthly Membership meetings
Networking events
Toys for Tots and Holiday Social
And more!

CAP has been, and continues to be, instrumental in allowing paralegals to keep up to date with the rapid growth and technological changes in various legal sectors while advancing continuing education and the individual role of the paralegal in executing legal services.

Every member of CAP is also automatically a member of the National Federation of Paralegal Associations, Inc. (NFPA), the largest national organization representing paralegals in the country. NFPA provides member associations with information concerning issues affecting paralegals, while at the same time presenting a unified voice for the profession on the national level.

Every member of CAP is also a member of the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association. The Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association (CMBA) is a nonprofit organization that operates as a center for legal professionalism in the region, promoting the highest ethical and professional standards. It was formed in March 2008 by the consolidation of the Cleveland Bar and Cuyahoga County Bar Associations, which brought together more than 135 years of rich history. It works to advance the greater Cleveland legal community as a world-class center of professional excellence and model of community service. As a member of CMBA, CAP members are entitled to networking events, pro bono events, volunteer opportunities and CLEs at the member rate.